Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Follow this!


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bye, Bye, Bitchesss

This blog is doneee.

it's not goin anywhere.

So maybe I'll make a new one *hint hint*


Friday, March 19, 2010

Well, damn.

Kay. I need to update this bitch more often.


sick, i know. it's soooo effing gorgeous here. This is only my second day, but I'm loving it here.

The hotel is amazing. like. wow.

Last night, my mom and brother and I spontaneously decided to go out with this gay couple, who ended up taking us to this festival downtown, and we ate this reallyy good food from a stand down there.

Very local, authentic. Loved it. the guys were adorable/charming/awesome/rad/hilarious/the kind of people i want to be when i'm in my late twenties/early thirties.


We also have an amazing view of the ocean from our room. i mean AMAZING. and plus the pools.

they're infinity pools, so they look like they keep going into the ocean. very cool. love it.

have i mentioned how beautiful it is? five more days.. i wish it was more.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


first, I'd like to apologize for not being on here in damn near forever. I've been busy. but we'll talk about that later.

My boyfriend, of LESS than 5 months just told me that he would "love to spend the rest of [his] life with [me]".
I'm only fifteen years old for Christ's sake! WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO SAY TO THAT!!!?????

okay. deep breath.
I have no idea what the fucckk I am getting myself into with this boy.
yes, I love him, but will I always? does he really think that we can just marry or something straight out of highschool? what is this shit??

I guess I just need to calm down. I mean, it's not like he proposed or anything.. but damn. This boy is devoted...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


10 secrets

because Alex told me to.

1. My greatest fear is ending up alone.

2. I try to act okay with it, but it actually kinda bothers me that my friends dont like my boyfriend. Like, I feel like they're judging me through him or something. I dont know.

3. It annoys the hell out of me when somebody dislikes me for no reason.

4. Every time my *used to be* best friend looks at me, it makes me want to punch her in the face.

5. I am in love with my boyfriend.

6. I don't like admitting number 5, because I've never believed in teen "love" and it always kind of bothered me when kids talked about how they were "in love". but I really think I am.

7. I know I'm supposed to be happy for the band or whatever, but I HATE it when my favorite bands become popular and I have to share them with other people. It just pisses me off because then everybody knows them, and then they become a little less special to me.

8. People who dislike me piss me off. I act nonchalant like "who cares what they think" (I really don't that much, but it still kinda bothers me) but really, why wouldn't you like me? I'm fucking awesome! (yes, this sounds really cocky, and stupid, and narcicistic, but seriously. I can see people not liking me, but going so far as disliking me? I really don't think I'm that unlikeable.)

9. I HATE it when people ignore me. (yeah, I'm needy. whatever.)

10. I don't necessarily like being the center of attention, but I like having some attention. Like I can't just sit back and be under the radar for too long. I can do it some, yeah, I'm not that much of an attention whore, but I love being part of the action. Maybe thats just the drama geek in me.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas, bitches!

It's Christmas Eve!
Merry fucking Christmas everybody!

(and happy any other holidays you may celebrate.)

I love you!

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Debate tournament.

We found a quiet corner in the school, behind a door where we tried not to be seen

and made out for about two hours while we waited for our next rounds to start.

In the hotel:
our rooms were right across from each other.
One night all the other people on our team went swimming
and we stayed in my room til curfew.
Yeah, that was a good night.

This boy keeps making me like him more and more.